Resembling the / in appearance; -- said of the germinal spot in the ripe egg at one of the stages of fecundation. →
Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented. →
A compound of nitrogen and boro/, which, when heated before the blowpipe, gives a brilliant phosphorescent; boric nitride. →
Of, pertaining to, or designating, a variety of the revived classic style of architecture, founded on the works of Andrea Palladio, an Italian architect of the 16th century. →
A Roman emperor, as being the successor of Augustus Caesar. Hence, a kaiser, or emperor of Germany, or any emperor or powerful ruler. See Kaiser, Kesar. →
A father's or mother's father; an ancestor in the next degree above the father or mother in lineal ascent. →