A sailing vessel of the 15th and following centuries, often having three or four decks, and used for war or commerce. The term is often rather indiscriminately applied to any large sailing vessel.
Next Worda.
A frame fitted to a wagon for carrying hay, straw, or grain on the stalk, or other bulky loads. →
Of or pertaining to the spleen and intestine; as, the lieno-intestinal vein of the frog. →
A portable structure of wooden framework covered with curtains, which was carried through the wilderness in the Israelitish exodus, as a place of sacrifice and worship. →
An instrument used for the purpose of obtaining specimens of water from any desired depth, as in a river, a lake, or the ocean. →
See Drag sail, under 4th Drag. →
The thirteenth, or intercalary, month of the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar, which is added about every third year. →