A character [thus /] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged; -- called also pause, and corona.
Next Wordv. i.
To lead the life of a nomad; to wander with flocks and herds for the sake of finding pasturage. →
An extensive series of strata, principally developed in the Rocky Mountain region, as in the Laramie Mountains, and formerly supposed to be of the Tertiary age, but now generally regarded as Cretaceous, or of intermediate and transitional character. It contains beds of lignite, often valuable for coal, and is hence also called the lignitic group. See Chart of Geology. →
To move with quick vibrations or undulations; as, a sail flutters in the wind; a fluttering fan. →
That which is left after any process of separation or purification; that which remains after certain specified deductions are made; residue. →
v. t.
To turn inside out, or with the leg part back over the foot, as a stocking in pulling off or for putting on. →