A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress.
Next Wordadv.
An a lame, crippled, disabled, or imperfect manner; as, to walk lamely; a figure lamely drawn. →
A Hebrew measure containing, as a liquid measure, ten baths, equivalent to fifty-five gallons, two quarts, one pint; and, as a dry measure, ten ephahs, equivalent to six bushels, two pecks, four quarts. →
Of or pertaining to the art of healing or treating the diseases of domestic animals, as oxen, horses, sheep, etc.; as, a veterinary writer or school. →
Like, or allied to, the porcupines; -- said of a group (Hystricomorpha) of rodents. →
A circular motion, or a circle described by a moving body; a turn or revolution; a circuit. →