Of or pertaining to a stepmother; suitable to, or in the manner of, a stepmother.
Next Wordn.
A stone of a fine grit, or a slab, as of metal, covered with an abrading substance or powder, used for sharpening cutting instruments, and especially for setting razors; an oilstone. →
A bar or frame of wood by which two oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together. →
An engine of torture, consisting of a large frame, upon which the body was gradually stretched until, sometimes, the joints were dislocated; -- formerly used judicially for extorting confessions from criminals or suspected persons. →
Pertaining to, or resembling, zinc; -- said of the electricity of the zincous plate in connection with a copper plate in a voltaic circle; also, designating the positive pole. →
imp. of Forbear. →