A sharpened flint for the lock of a gun, to ignite the charge. It was in common use before the introduction of percussion caps. →
A bitter, brownish yellow, amorphous substance, extracted from vegetable mold, and also produced by the action of acids on certain sugars and carbohydrates; -- called also humic acid, ulmin, gein, ulmic or geic acid, etc. →
A general term for the uranium phosphates, autunite, or lime uranite, and torbernite, or copper uranite. →
A quantity so connected with another quantity, that if any alteration be made in the latter there will be a consequent alteration in the former. Each quantity is said to be a function of the other. Thus, the circumference of a circle is a function of the diameter. If x be a symbol to which different numerical values can be assigned, such expressions as x2, 3x, Log. x, and Sin. x, are all functions of x. →
One of the small notes occur on the unaccented parts of the measure, taking their time from the preceding note. →
The highest kind of worship, or that paid to God; -- distinguished by the Roman Catholics from dulia, or the inferior worship paid to saints. →