One who holds the doctrine that the space between the bodies of the universe, or the molecules and atoms of matter., is a vacuum; -- opposed to plenist. →
v. t.
Literally, to put out of a family; hence, to portion off, so as to exclude further claim of inheritance; to emancipate (as a with his own consent) from paternal authority. →
v. t.
To nail small strips of board or larger scantling upon, in order to make a level surface for lathing or boarding, or to provide for a space or interval back of the plastered or boarded surface, as inside an outer wall, by way of protection against damp. →
Conveying blood; as, sanguiferous vessels, i. e., the arteries, veins, capillaries. →
The white and softer part of wood, between the inner bark and the hard wood or duramen; sapwood. →