A term by which Europeans designate religious temples and tower-like buildings of the Hindoos and Buddhists of India, Farther India, China, and Japan, -- usually but not always, devoted to idol worship. →
The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance; as, the adoption of opinions. →
Distributed, as leaves, singly at different heights of the stem, and at equal intervals as respects angular divergence. →
v. t.
To fit; to join; to unite closely, as two pieces of wood, so as to make the surface fit together. →
A large sea turtle (Sphargis coriacea), having no bony shell on its back. It is common in the warm and temperate parts of the Atlantic, and sometimes weighs over a thousand pounds; -- called also leather turtle, leathery turtle, leather-backed tortoise, etc. →
v. t.
An order of Infusoria, having one or two long, whiplike cilia, at the anterior end. It includes monads. See Infusoria, and Monad. →