A deep shovel, or any similar implement for digging out and dipping or shoveling up anything; as, a flour scoop; the scoop of a dredging machine. →
Not easily excited or disturbed; unchanging in purpose; fixed; steady; constant; stable; unshaken; not easily changed in feelings or will; strong; as, a firm believer; a firm friend; a firm adherent. →
Of or pertaining to the hip; in the region of, or affecting, the hip; ischial; ischiatic; as, the sciatic nerve, sciatic pains. →
A long-tailed monkey of Borneo (Semnopithecus rubicundus). It has a tuft of long hair on the head. →
A flat, narrow molding, used chiefly to separate the parts or members of compartments or panels from one another, or doubled, turned, and interlaced so as to form knots, frets, or other ornaments. See Illust. (12) of Column. →