The power, either inherent or due to some physical action, by which bodies, or the particles of bodies, are made to recede from each other, or to resist each other's nearer approach; as, molecular repulsion; electrical repulsion. →
Turned back; reversed. Specifically: (Her.) Bent or curved twice, in opposite directions, or in the form of an S. →
Any leglike appendage of a crustacean, when modified wholly, or in part, to serve as a jaw, esp. one of the maxillipeds. →
A loose filmy mass or a thin chiplike layer of anything; a film; flock; lamina; layer; scale; as, a flake of snow, tallow, or fish. →
Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ in number. See Symmetry. →