The foam, or troth (top yeast), or the sediment (bottom yeast), of beer or other in fermentation, which contains the yeast plant or its spores, and under certain conditions produces fermentation in saccharine or farinaceous substances; a preparation used for raising dough for bread or cakes, and making it light and puffy; barm; ferment.
Next Wordadv.
On the day last past; on the day preceding to-day; as, the affair took place yesterday. →
Pertaining to, or containing, or obtained from, hydrogen, ferric iron, and cyanogen; as, hydroferricyanic acid. See Ferricyanic. →
The act of reciting; the repetition of the words of another, or of a document; rehearsal; as, the recital of testimony. →
Reverberated from a cavity, or resembling such a sound; deep; muffled; as, a hollow roar. →
is the second letter of the English alphabet. (See Guide to Pronunciation, // 196, 220.) It is etymologically related to p, v, f, w and m , letters representing sounds having a close organic affinity to its own sound; as in Eng. bursar and purser; Eng. bear and Lat. ferre; Eng. silver and Ger. silber; Lat. cubitum and It. gomito; Eng. seven, Anglo-Saxon seofon, Ger. sieben, Lat. septem, Gr."epta`, Sanskrit saptan. The form of letter B is Roman, from Greek B (Beta), of Semitic origin. The small b was formed by gradual change from the capital B. →